Annual Events in Papillion, Nebraska: A Calendar of Celebrations

Papillion, Nebraska is more than just a city—it’s a vibrant community that comes alive with events all year round. Celebrations of heritage, the arts, sports, and the simple joys of life give the city its distinctive charm. This guide uncovers the tapestry of events that make Papillion a place of constant festivities.


1. Papillion Days Festival

Every June, Papillion’s streets come alive with the jubilant energy of the Papillion Days Festival. With parades, rides, music, and fireworks, this event is a symbol of community spirit and togetherness.

2. Winter Wonderland

Come December, the city dons a festive spirit. Winter Wonderland is all about ice skating, hot cocoa, twinkling lights, and the sweet serenades of carolers echoing through the crisp winter air.

3. Spring into Summer

As winter recedes and spring blooms, Papillion welcomes the warmer months with its “Spring into Summer” event. From farmers markets to outdoor concerts, it’s a celebration of new beginnings.


4. The Great Papillion Balloon Festival

Imagine the sky painted with colors as hot air balloons rise at dawn. This July festival is a visual treat and offers tethered balloon rides, night glows, and family activities.

5. Art and Wine Walk

A showcase of local artisans and wineries, this October event is perfect for those with a flair for creativity and a palate for fine wine.

6. Papio Bash Softball Tournament

Sports enthusiasts, unite! Every August, teams from all over come together to compete in this thrilling softball tournament.

7. Sumtur Amphitheater Concerts

Summer evenings in Papillion are made memorable with concerts at the Sumtur Amphitheater. From rock to country, every genre finds its voice here.

8. Halloween Hoot

October in Papillion is not just about autumn leaves. It’s about costumes, candy, and a city-wide Halloween celebration for kids and adults alike.

9. Veterans Park Memorial Day Ceremony

A solemn event, this ceremony honors the brave hearts who served the nation. With flags flying high and a poignant atmosphere, it’s a day of gratitude and remembrance.

10. The Farmers Market Fiesta

Fresh produce, homemade goods, and the spirit of the community – the Farmers Market Fiesta, held between May and September, is all about celebrating local produce and artisans.


The heartbeat of Papillion, Nebraska, can be felt in its annual events. Each celebration, be it grand or intimate, speaks volumes about the city’s culture, values, and love for life. From honoring traditions to making way for the new, Papillion’s events calendar is a testament to its dynamic nature. So, whether you’re a resident or a visitor, there’s always something happening around the corner. Dive in, be a part of these festivities, and let Papillion’s vibrant spirit engulf you in its warmth and joy.
